Perception & Expression
Technology & Museums
Educational Technology
Remote Visiting, Close Experiencing:
Visiting Virtual Museums Through The Lens Of Virtual Reality
With the vast development of the Internet and Virtual Reality technology, gradually, a growing number of museums have opened their digital access to the public through immersive virtual museums. This work aims at giving a brief literature review of the recent research related to learning outcomes of immersive virtual museums
and would like to address the following questions.
- What does visiting an immersive virtual museum mean to users based on cognitive theory?
Based on the Method Comparison Research, it can be concluded that visiting immersive virtual museums can arouse participants' emotions similar to the similar degree of physical museums and promote visitors' engagement. It is reasonable to regard immersive virtual museums as a reliable alternative to physical museums when visiting real-world museums is impossible.
- What does the research evidence say about the effectiveness of immersive virtual museums on visitors' learning outcomes?
Based on results of the Media Comparison Research, 3D immersive virtual museums have been proven to promote learning outcomes better than traditional methods such as 2D virtual museums based on text, images, and videos, and traditional history classes with PowerPoint. One result of the Method Comparison Research also shows that visiting immersive virtual museums ahead of visiting the same physical museum can promote learning outcomes.
- How can we design these immersive virtual museums to promote learning better?
Based on the results of the Value-added Research, the existence of a virtual guide can promote visiting experience, and the effect would be more positive when the virtual guide is realistic, has a closer status to the visitors, and only appear when necessary. Also, if too many add-on features are implemented in one interface, their individual benefits will diminish.
This is a course paper for class PSY594: Learning and Instruction with Media by Professor Richard E. Mayer