
Motion, Vision & Audio

Perception and Expression contain every element that buids up how we interact with the world. We feedback from what we experience from the world and the world feedbacks on what we express. Motion, Vision, Audio, Emotion, we are in the world with these elements.

Parts of my research and creative work explore how information is shared among these modalities and how to transform signals from one space to another.

Work involves:

- HoagsOLife: Culture story in Data Visualization Storytelling

- Equivalence (2023): Realtime Speech Input to 3D Space

- EmotionNAL: Realtime Camera Input of facial expression to Sound

Interaction Recommendation Pipeline.

Technology & Museums

In the past ten years, museums have gradually stepped into a stage where technologies are greately involve in its management and curations process. How can technologies help in museums' management and exhibitions? How can technologies improve museums' accessibility to beter facilitate public education.

Addressing these questions, we've been conducting several literature reviews and practice, involving:

- An Interaction Recommendation Pipeline for public users in data visualization systems using Deep Learning

- A Literature Review about the usage of image recognition algorithms in museum exhibitions

- A Literature Review about the usage of virtual museums in VR and its effectivness

Incorporating Learning Theories With Technology.

Educational Technology

Educational Technology is the field of study that investigates the process of analyzing, designing, developing, implementing, and evaluating the instructional environment, learning materials, learners, and the learning process in order to improve teaching and learning.

We've conducted multiple design practices on this topic to explore how to incorporate learning science theories into technology design to enhance users' learning processes.

- Redesign Yousician, a music learning App with strategies that promote students' motivation in learning.

- ContAQT Platform, an interactive data visualizaion system that explores how Air Quality Index is computed.